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Research Report

The aim of this Action Research Project was to identify the key elements of teaching and learning in a constructivist classroom that can promote and encourage reflective learning, active participation, and the ability to raise questions in order to create a piece of art

These artworks were created by secondary school students during my school placement, as part of my action research project: How the use of Different Modes of Feedback can Influence Students Engagement and Confidence within the Art Room: Teacher, Peer, Self. The Unit of Learning for this project was ‘Cubism-Inspired Portraits’ with the theme ‘Role Model’. These students composed a design that captures and includes identifying objects, hobbies, and features of their chosen role model through observing images of this persons face from different viewpoints.

This research project sought to explore and evaluate the effects of using different modes of feedback on students confidence and engagement within the art room.

The three different types of feedback utilized were teacher, peer, and students self-reflection. The aims of this study included: Identifying students previous opinions on formative feedback, evaluating if students opinions change through participating with this research project, identifying if students ‘use’ the feedback they receive or disregard it, exploring any gaps in relation to the types of feedback used within the classroom to give students the opportunity to learn and improve.

Through the exploration of different modes of feedback throughout this research project, in conjunction with the analysis of data collections, the research can conclude that this feedback process did have some effect on students in relation to their confidence and engagement with the art project.

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