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Here you can view an assessment design plan I created along with a short screencast where I talk about different forms of assessment I use in relation to Junior Cycle assessment procedures and my experience with SLAR

Throughout my completion of my Professional Master of Education in Art and Design with Digital Media, I have gained valuable knowledge and experience with up-to-date assessment procedures and practices. Assessment plays a huge part within teaching practice. Therefore, before starting my school placement, I put together a Design Plan which puts a focus on how I would approach formative and summative assessment for one Junior Cycle year group. I placed an emphasis on formative feedback as a way for students to reflect on their work while they still had the opportunity to improve before summative assessment took place. The three types of feedback I focused on were teacher, peer, and self-reflection. I also placed a great importance on students sketchbooks and encouraged students to document their thoughts and ideas through annotations as sketchbooks continue to play a progressive role in assessment. Annotations give teachers a great opportunity to understand the students thought processed and ideas, therefore better enabling us to give detailed and helpful feedback.

“Providing effective feedback is a crucial step in using ‘communicate and reflect’ to support learning in Visual Art... Feedback on the strengths of students work, and on areas for improvement can be used to support their future learning as well as the work they will undertake” (NCCA, 2019)

Following placement, I completed a short Reflective Screencast (video) on my experience with assessment, both Formative and Summative at Junior Cycle. This screencast shows the process in which I planned, implemented, and reflected on my design for assessment and how this aided in my approach. I also discuss my experience conducting a Subject Learning and Assessment Review (SLAR) with my Community of Practice within this screencast to further discuss my approach to assessment and the core points I took from this SLAR. Lastly, I discuss what I learned from this process and what I will be bringing with me into my career as a Newly Qualified Teacher (NQT)

Design Plan

This Design Plan sets out how i would go about assessment, both formative and summative, throughout each of the four stages at Junior Cycle; Research, Initial Ideas, Process of Development, and Realised Work

Reflective Screencast

Within this screencast i reflect on my approach to assessment at Junior Cycle.The sections discussed are:

  1. My Design Plan/ Rubrics

  2. SLAR meeting

  3. Core Points/ Findings

  4. Moving into Career

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